Welcome to SEARCA Knowledge Center on Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management in Southeast Asia (KC3)


Published on 15 October 2014
Science Advisor to the Prime Minister, Tan Sri Zakri Abdul Hamid said the effort to cut carbon emissions, through new policies involving climate change and green technology, was in line with the Science 2 Action (S2A) initiative currently championed by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. "The S2A is the initiative to intensify the application of science and technology for industry development, people's well-being…
Published on 9 October 2014
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Malaysia had taken a clear step towards a cleaner future, resulting in a more sustainable economy and balanced energy mix. "Six years ago, in Copenhagen, I announced that Malaysia would cut the emissions intensity of our GDP by 40% by 2020. "But this progress came at a cost. In allocating finite national resources, we have had to…
Published on 19 September 2014
"As climate change causes an increase in temperatures, plants orangutans eat will change and decline, leaving them no option but to move further up in higher areas. "However this will be very difficult and mostly impossible in the future due to the current state of their forest which is mostly isolated and fragmented,"warned SWD Director Datuk Dr Laurentius Ambu in a statement here today. He…
Published on 19 September 2014
This was agreed at the meeting of Environment, Forests and Climate Change Minister Prakash Javadekar with visiting Malaysian Minister Datuk Seri G. Palanivel. They reiterated the need to work closely in the domain of international negotiations so as to protect the interests of developing countries, the statement from the environment and forests ministry said. The two ministers discussed the possibility of cooperation in the areas…
Published on 19 September 2014
Bodies of water, stressed by human consumption and forest clearing, are disappearing quicker than imagined. Many of the world’s largest rivers, including the Yangtze, the Ganges and the Salween in Asia, the Danube in Europe and the Rio Grande in North America have become victimised by water demand and development – that they are in the process of drying up. Rivers in Sarawak are not…
Published on 19 September 2014
His household was just one among millions affected by an unusual, three-month-long hot and dry spell which struck parts of peninsular Malaysia in mid-January. The extended drought followed a brief period of unusually cool weather in January. Some experts believe these are signs of how climate change is affecting Malaysia. Global Environment Centre director Faizal Parish said the three-month drought has been "quite unusual", as…
Published on 2 July 2014 Malaysia
As the world's post-2015 development agenda takes shape, including new sustainable development goals (SDGs), the UNU International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) has been assigned a new mandate focused on several key issues of universal concern, including: Health impacts of biodiversity loss and climate change. The work will include identifying potential adaptation strategies and options to mitigate harm Physical and mental health hazards posed…
Published on 16 May 2014 Malaysia
Comos executive chairman Datuk Seri Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir said membership is required before one can rent the cars – either the Renault Zoe or the Nissan Leaf. “We will start accepting membership in July,” he said at the soft launch of the programme here yesterday by International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed. “We are still finalising the rental rate…
Published on 8 May 2014 Malaysia
This initiative is also envisaged to effectively reduce domestic palm oil inventory to below one million tonnes, and provide a floor price to support CPO prices at RM2,000 per tonne, says Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) senior research officer Yung Chee Liang at a recent palm oil conference. The B5 implementation was launched in phases, starting with the central region (Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur Selangor, Selangor…
Published on 8 May 2014 Malaysia
Read article here: https://www.thestar.com.my/News/Environment/2014/04/21/One-dads-duty-is-to-turn-his-sons-school-green/ Source: The Star Online |21 April 2014 
Published on 17 March 2014
Tangang was presenting the key findings of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and their relevance to Malaysia and the Southeast Asia region. IPCC is a scientific inter-governmental body set up by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which assesses public knowledge on climate change and compiles them into an annual report. On the other hand, Tangang however believes that…
Published on 24 February 2014
Read the article here: https://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2014/01/25/Dont-blame-climate-change-for-cooler-weather/ Source: The Star Online | 25 January 2014
Published on 24 February 2014
Research by National Hydraulic Research Institute Malaysia (Nahrim) shows that changing climate patterns are making both dry spells and heavy storms more intense. Although Malaysia has abundant rainfall all year round, it is unevenly distributed, said Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) technical development executive director V. Subramaniam. In a nutshell, it does not always rain in rivers that supply raw water to treatment plants…
Published on 18 February 2014
Reading about the floods in the east coast states of Malaysia and Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines clearly left us disheartened. A recent study by the Asian Development Bank shows that disaster losses have outpaced the region’s economic growth and will continue to threaten any development gains in the emerging markets. Governments, businesses and even individuals play an equal role in mitigating GHG emissions. In…
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